EU Forum of the Legal Professions: Maintaining the attractiveness of the legal professions: how can we anticipate future trends
Data: 02.12.2022
Participação on-line livre
Mais informações aqui
Abertura de candidaturas a seminários
1) The Role of the Administrative Judge in the State - seminário organizado conjuntamente pela AEAJ e a EJTN
Data e local: dias 2 e 3 de março de 2023, Salónica, Grécia
2) Conflicts of norms - seminário organizado conjuntamente pela AEAJ e a EJTN.
Data e local: dias 09 e 10 de março de 2023, Lisboa
As candidaturas para qualquer um dos seminários devem ser enviadas para o email da AMJAFP ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), até 22 de novembro de 2022, contendo os seguintes elementos solicitados pela organização:
a) Nome próprio;
b) Apelido;
c) Género (sendo admissível a resposta "prefiro não dizer");
d) Função;
e) E-mail institucional;
f) Endereço profissional;
g) Número de telefone;
h) Estado-membro.
Em ambos os casos, os termos e condições de reembolso de despesas são de acordo com as guidelines da EJTN.
As candidaturas serão graduadas de acordo com os critérios já oportunamente divulgados pela AMJAFP, disponíveis aqui.
A AEAJ, com o apoio da AMJAFP e do CEJ, irá realizar em Lisboa, nos dias 13 e 14 de outubro de 2022, um Workshop, subordinado ao tema "In dubio pro natura? Confronting factual, scientific and legal uncertainties in environmental court cases". A mesma está aberta a qualquer associado que pretenda estar presente.
Veja aqui o programa.
"The March of 1000 Gowns" vai continuar, com um webinar a realizar no dia 30 de março de 2022, às 19 horas (divulgação da AEAJ).
Forma de acesso ao webinar:
Webinar ID: 832 4819 6171
Passcode: 340172
Mais informações aqui.
Abertura de candidaturas a workshop para juízes, advogados e procuradores
“Being a lawyer in times of constitutional reckoning” - University of Gdansk - hybrid - 18-20 May
Call for participants for the TRIIAL training workshop entitled Being a lawyer in times of constitutional reckoning. It is going to take place between 18-20 May at University of Gdańsk.
The organizers have provided 27 free-of-charge seats for conference and workshop participants. Qualification to the group of 27 applicants, whose costs of participation in the training will be covered by the organizers, will be determined by the order of applications meeting formal requirements. Applicants are invited to submit their applications from March 18, 2022 to April 20, 2022.
The rest of those who register for the training but are not among the 27 registrants can take part in the workshop by covering their costs of transport and accommodation. These applicants will be informed at the time of application that the pool of free places has been exhausted and they will then be able to make a final decision about their participation in the training.
The event will also be streamlined. For further information or concerns regarding the recruitment process, contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abertura de candidaturas a workshop - candidaturas a enviar para o This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. da AMJAFP até às 11h00 do dia 18.03.2022
Workshop organized by FriCoRe project:
“Fundamental Rights, Powers of the Courts and Duties of Cooperation: a Cross-Sectoral Training for European Judges” which is planned in Warsaw on 7-8 April 2022 (face to face event). The online mode via Zoom will also be made available.
2 colleagues can be nominated by AEAJ (we can also accept some few more on a waiting list). It should colleagues who are involved in judicial training activities including those who have specific qualifications as trainers (as it is a “Train the Trainers”-event)
Nominations (individual members directly) must have:
- Indication of NAME, COURT OF AFFILIATION, E-Mail Address
- Indication: preference in person (face to face event) OR online
See also details: https://www.fricore.eu/fc/content/call-for-judges
Abertura de candidaturas a workshop
Call for participants for the TRIIAL training workshop entitled Judicial dialogue and freedom of expression, which is going to take place online, in English on 3 March and 4 March organised by National Association of the Romanian Bars (UNBR) as part of the Project - TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of judges and arbitrators safeguarding the rule of Law under the EU Charter (TRIIAL) (for more information on the project see here https://cjc.eui.eu/projects/triial/), and for the database see https://cjc.eui.eu/data/.
The event will be held online, free of charge, and the working language will be English, with some of the working groups in Romanian on 4th of March .
The workshop is open to 30 active lawyers (lawyers, judges, arbitrators) from any EU country.
Applicants are invited to send the expression of their interest to take part in the cross border workshop by 28th of February, 2022 at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applicants will be notified about the result of the selection process by March the 1st, 2022.
For more information on the event and registration, please contact Raluca Bercea (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) and Veronica Morecuț (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
Abertura de candidaturas a workshops.
Todas as candidaturas nos casos 1) e 2) devem ser enviadas diretamente para o email da AMJAFP ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
No caso 3 devem ser enviadas para This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1) The Right to an Effective Remedy in Collective Redress Proceedings: a Cross-Sectoral Training for European Judges, planned in Barcelona on 10-11 March 2022 (face to face event). The online mode via Zoom will also be made available.
Ad 1): 2 colleagues can be nominated by AEAJ (we can also accept some few more on a waiting list). It should colleagues who are involved in judicial training activities including those who have specific qualifications as trainers (as it is a "Train the Trainers"-event)
The contact persons are asked to send me nominations (individual members directly) until 16 February 2022:
- With Indication of NAME, COURT OF AFFILIATION, E-Mail Address
- With Indication: preference in person (face to face event) OR online
See also details: https://www.fricore.eu/fc/content/call-for-judges
2) Fundamental Rights, Powers of the Courts and Duties of Cooperation: a Cross-Sectoral Training for European Judges, planned in Warsaw on 7-8 April 2022 (face to face event). The online mode via Zoom will also be made available.
Ad 2): 2 colleagues can be nominated by AEAJ (we can also accept some few more on a waiting list). It should colleagues who are involved in judicial training activities including those who have specific qualifications as trainers (as it is a "Train the Trainers"-event)
The contact persons are asked to send me nominations (individual members directly) until 25 February 2022:
- With Indication of NAME, COURT OF AFFILIATION, E-Mail Address
- With Indication: preference in person (face to face event) OR online
See also details: https://www.fricore.eu/fc/content/call-for-judges
3) TRIIAL Workshop - Judicial ethics and accountability will be held online on 14-15 February.
The event is free of charge, and it is organised by the Italian School of Magistracy (detailed programme)
The Workshop which will be held in both Italian and English.
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